About Us

Making Quantum Breakthroughs Today to Shape the World of Tomorrow

We are a Quantum Technology company with products primed for market launch, ready to harness the transformative power of quantum science.

QCM Secure File and Storage
Security Shield
our solution

TAURIA's Competitive Advantages

TAURIA holds a prominent position as a leader in developing post-quantum cryptography and quantum technologies, fortified by a unique standing in the market. Supported by a robust portfolio of patents, strategic partnerships, and collaborations with key industry players, TAURIA stands as an attractive and dynamic force deeply engaged in advancing technological frontiers.

With a strong portfolio of industrial secrets and patents, including five granted patents, various pending patents, and ten technologies in the pipeline for patent submissions, our commitment to innovation is evident. This patent not only underscore our dedication to pioneering advancements, but also solidifies our leading role in the realms of post-quantum cryptography and quantum technologies.

our solution

TAURIA Guarantees Security

At TAURIA, we are committed to upholding your privacy rights, a fundamental aspect protected by the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Through our pioneering policies and security technologies, we ensure real privacy in online communication. Our delivery of the best-in-class PQC embedded platform enables swift deployment of Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) communication infrastructure for governments, organizations, and enterprises without the need for additional coding or specialist hiring.

Working in partnership with the globally top-ranked Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo, our PQC research, led by top academic researchers in cybersecurity, privacy, and post-quantum computing, guarantees the highest level of information security standards, validated by the world’s most technologically sophisticated government agencies.

University of Waterloo Shield
Security Shield

Revolutionizing Market Leadership

Our leaders are repeatedly successful entrepreneurs with know-how about positioning technology-driven ventures as leaders in the market. In particular, Prof. Jesse Van Griensven, our CEO, founder, and lead at Lakes Software, currently dominates their category with more than 80% of the market share worldwide and even higher in OCED countries. Following the same “secret for success” recipe, our leadership team has created for TAURIA an ecosystem encompassing academia, industry, and government to accelerate innovation.

This approach now allows TAURIA to take lab ideas to market in 3 years instead of the usual 8. The ecosystem includes close collaboration with the University of Waterloo (UW), ranked #1 in the world on quantum computing research. Our CEO, Prof. Jesse Van Griensven, researches and teaches quantum artificial intelligence at UW and, therefore, has access to unique information on technologies and future trends.

Our Partners

Built with Top Talent

TAURIA’s leadership already acquired various companies with top talent and intellectual property, intending to accelerate our go-to-market strategies. At the same time, we keep expanding our ecosystem by collaborating with different research groups and funding key initiatives that yield strategic innovations.

Our story

TAURIA's History

Founded in 2019, TAURIA’s suite has undergone extensive government and enterprise testing. Headquartered in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, TAURIA has remote team members around the world, working with the goal of ensuring privacy and advanced encryption protocols to its users.

TAURIA, a cybersecurity organization specialized in Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) was founded with the collective mindset of understanding what it means to truly protect sensitive data and be fully secure. Its flexibility allows for decentralized infrastructure to ensure robust security to protect your content.

Alongside, networks are safeguarded by the latest post-quantum technologies, offering the best availability and reliable performance. TAURIA works to make a better platform for everyone without interference.

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Discover Quantum-Proof Technologies

At TAURIA, we offer users the latest, top-notch, technologies that fight against quantum-based computer threats and any future advances.

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Market-Ready Solutions

While competitors often focus on narrow product lines, TAURIA stands out with a comprehensive range of market-ready quantum products, tested and validated by reputable entities like the Israeli Defense Forces and Telefonica. This underscores our technological competency and strategic market positioning, delivering immediate value to our customers.

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Partnerships and Endorsements

TAURIA's excellence is confirmed through partnerships with industry leaders like Hewlett-Packard Enterprises (HPE) and Aruba Technologies. These collaborations have secured generous OEM contracts and broad access to sales channels. HPE's CTO views TAURIA as a key advantage in government bids, emphasizing our potential to deliver substantial market value.

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Ensuring user satisfaction is paramount at TAURIA. All our products are designed to be robust, easy to install, and completely transparent to the final users. This commitment to usability ensures a seamless experience for our customers, enhancing trust and satisfaction with our solutions.

Cutting-Edge Document